The subject of my lingvistik work is the common speech &its meaning in the literary work by Platonov. The choice of my subject work is caused by some circumstances.First, the language of the works by Platonov have not been investigated untill recently.only in the last decade some articles about Platonov's language appeared. Second, the spoken language has become a subject of interest for a lot of linguists only recently.It is beign studied in different systems of national language nowdays. The term "common speech" (CS) has a lot of meanings in linguistic literature. First, CS is the speech of uneducated people. Second, it is one of the stylistic means in the speech of educated people. There are some different opinions whether the elements of CS are stylistic means or not. The discussion about the use of such elements in literaterary language ceased after publishing the article by F.P.Filin "On the structure of the contemporary language". He selected two types of the CS; literary & non-literary. First elements are the stylistic elements in the speech of the educated people, which are used to show the lower attribute for the events described. Second elements are the elements (rude, non-normative) in the speech of non-educated people, who don"t understand that it is a non-normative language.